Innovative Solutions
A reliable company for reliable products
Rasayani Biologics is a research driven company which aims of developing efficacious, safe and affordable health care solutions for chronic and critical illness where current treatments are no longer working or are not available.
Finding solutions to health problems and leading a healthy life is a subject of quest for mankind since ages. This has led to the development of indigenously developed healthcare systems which served the health care needs of mankind for many centuries. Various traditions and civilizations developed their own system of medicines which are complete in themselves.
We, at Rasayani Biologics believe that the time-tested wisdom of traditional system of medicine has a potential to give innumerable innovations in healthcare of eternal nature and having potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is addressed.
Finding solutions to health problems and leading a healthy life is a subject of quest for mankind since ages. This has led to the development of indigenously developed healthcare systems which served the health care needs of mankind for many centuries. Various traditions and civilizations developed their own system of medicines which are complete in themselves.
We, at Rasayani Biologics believe that the time-tested wisdom of traditional system of medicine has a potential to give innumerable innovations in healthcare of eternal nature and having potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is addressed.
our philosophy
Know Facts
It is a known fact that 60% of the anticancer drugs and 75% of the anti-infectious disease drugs approved from 1981-2002, could be traced to natural origins. In addition, 61% of all new chemical entities introduced worldwide as drugs during the same period could be traced to or were inspired by natural products.
The above figures highlight the importance of traditional system of medicines in drug development.
Rasayani Biologics aims towards doing intensive scientific studies on time tested and highly efficacious remedies so as to translate its potential in to conventional knowledge system.
We aim to convert well documented clinical and experimental hits into leads that are further developed into drug candidates or formulations.
The above figures highlight the importance of traditional system of medicines in drug development.
Rasayani Biologics aims towards doing intensive scientific studies on time tested and highly efficacious remedies so as to translate its potential in to conventional knowledge system.
We aim to convert well documented clinical and experimental hits into leads that are further developed into drug candidates or formulations.