Project info

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  • Address: 2946 Angus Road, NY

NTGX-10 : Out Licencing Opportunity

Therapeutically renowned and traditionally trusted compound, optimized and enhanced for multiple applications by patented process. 

Potential Segmentation / Positioning Areas : 

  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Anti-Ageing, Immunity Booster, Cardio Protective
  • Target Segment: USD 8.5 Billion

Why Gold ?

Gold is perhaps the most anciently administered medicine known to humans and we are successfully using gold in variety of health segments including their prevention and their cure. The current endeavor is to harvest the best results from these segments and present them in a scientifically prudent way for global acceptance.

Key Areas of Current Study

Diabetic Retinopathy :

Diabetic Retinopathy affects up to 80 % of those who have had Diabetes for 20 years or more. At least 90% of new cases could be reduced with proper treatment and monitoring of the eyes.

The longer a person has diabetes, the higher his or her chances of developing Diabetic Retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is the result of damage to the small blood vessels and neurons of the retina.


Current Status of Development

  • Recently completed Pilot Clinical Trial on patients of Diabetic Retinopathy with very encouraging results.
  • Currently, under process of Ph II/III submission to DCGI for Diabetic Retinopathy.

Our Key Findings from the Study

  • The preliminary evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of NTGX-10 in ovo-in-vivo chick embryo YSM model showed notable anti-angiogenic properties

  • NTGX-10 was assessed with multicentric, open labelled, single arm clinical trial in patients diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, involving a cohort of 54 individuals

  • NTGX-10 treatment causes significant improvement in Visual Acuity, Contrast Sensitivity and Macular Edema without any exacerbations. While, FFA analysis demonstrated on ETDRS scale that NTGX-10 effectively prevents progression of DR and thereby reducing the requirement of intravitreal therapy

  • NTGX-10 has potential to prevent progression of diabetic retinopathy and as such it can be an important therapeutic candidate for maintenance therapy in diabetic retinopathy patients

Other Potential Applications

  • Anti – Ageing

Gold Nanoparticles have effects on increasing activity of enzymes which are known to be scavengers of Free Radicals posing as an excellent compound in treating diseases related to Ageing and Degeneration. Also it can be used in reducing the effect of Ageing on various body systems.

  • Immunity Booster

Nano Gold has shown to be beneficial in eliciting protective immune mechanism and also in Modulating Immune response in treating Auto immune arthritis.

  • Cardio-Protective

Gold is well known and used since centuries to prevent and treat Cardiac Disorders.



Diabetic Retinopathy – The most common complication of diabetes and a major cause of blindness globally – 90 million patients are diagnosed worldwide with ~ 15 million paties just in India.


Unique Value Proposition

  • IP Protections of the Key API.
  • First ever Oral Drug available for Eye disease including Diabetic Retinopathy.
  • No need for frequent clinic visits for injections.
  • Safety and effectiveness in patients established.

Limitations of Current Therapy

  • Only two lines of treatments available (1st Anti-VEGF and 2nd Corticosteraids).
  • Both these treatments are given as injections in the eye with lot of complications.
  • High cost of currently preferred anti-VEGF injections, with maximum patients showing resistance.


Potential of NTGX-10 to change the treatment paradigm of Diabetic Retinopathy due to the following key reasons :

  • No Oral Therapy available.
  • No treatments available if patient develop resistance to current therapies.
  • Patients without frequent accessibility to retina specialists for injections in eye often do not get regular treatment.