Project info

NTPX-07: An Oral Platinum

First, orally administered, indigenously developed platinum-based oncology compound for prevention of Head and Neck Cancers and other solid tumors.


Onset of multiple therapies like Surgery, Radiation, Cytotoxic Agents, MAbs, etc. have enabled health professionals an arsenal to deal primary cancer with relatively higher success rates for at least early diagnosed patients, but the scenario is vastly different for the secondary cancer or metastasized cancer cases.


The main cause of cancer-related death and even in tumors that are sensitive to radiotherapy or chemotherapy, it is often the main reason of treatment failure.

Metastatic tumors not only are difficult to treat with conventional surgery or radiotherapy due to their anatomically diffused localization in different organs, but also, in most cases, they are resistant to cytotoxic agents. The mechanisms underlying cancer metastasis are extremely complicated and involve multiple cell types and several key signaling pathways. The patients are helpless in the window period post treatment of primary tumors till the date they are diagnosed with deadly Secondary cancer as there are no current therapies addressing this period.



NTPX-07 is precisely positioned to be administered to patients after the primary cancer treatment is completed with the help of multiple immunomodulatory pathways strengthening the body’s healthy cells as well as immune system.


Chemo Therapy Disadvantages

  • Immunosuppression and Myelosuppression
  • Neutropenic Enterocolitis
  • Gastrointestinal Distress
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Hair Loss, Secondary Neoplasm, Infertility, Peripheral Neuropathy



  • Does not always work
  • It may not completely destroy cancer
  • Cannot cross blood brain barrier
  • Drug Resistance is major cause of concern

The ideal drug should be able to address all the above issues. Based on this premise, the drugs in the RBPL are developed with Patient Centric approach

We believe in Patient centric approach Instead of tumor centric approach

The efforts in this direction led us to become First company to bring Platinum as aN immunotherapy drug !

Platinum chemistry plays a dominant role in the drugs for Oncology. Even though the base chemistry is of platinum, many platinum based drugs like Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Oxaliplatin, etc. have a different therapeutic segment for which it is a preferred treatment alternative although with a severe limitation of dose related toxicity because of their inherent cytotoxic nature. 

RBPL successfully removed the dose related toxicity for platinum with a unique patented green process.

  • NTPX-07 is an oral platinum based anti-cancer compound indicated for management of various solid malignant tumors
  • Administered orally in an outpatient setting resulting in major cost saving for patients
  • This compound has shown excellent safety and tolerability profile in initial preclinical studies. Less requirement of supportive therapy and patient care because of improved Quality of Life
  • Positive activity for Prostate, Lung, Ovary and Pancreas tumor cell lines
  • No adverse effect on normal cell lines
  • No adverse toxicity effects demonstrated with rodent and non-rodent Toxicity studies
  • In vivo studies demonstrate potential for prevention of Cancer recurrence
  • First Orally Administered Platinum based drug
  • Targeting unmet need: For prevention of Cancer recurrence
  • Best tolerated as compared to any other anti-cancer drug
  • No special handling requirements for drug in the supply chain
  • There is no competitor drug in its class
  • NTPX-07 has potential to cater 30% substantial global cancer market including prophylactic and chemo-preventive areas.
  • Head and Neck Cancers
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • In Metronomic scheduling
  • As a Radio-sensitizer
  • Granted & enforceable patent in EU region
  • Granted & enforceable US patent
  • At final stage of grant at Indian Patent Office
  • The company successfully completed Phase-I Clinical trial on patients with solid tumors refractory to conventional therapies & advanced metastatic tumors.
  • Currently, under process of Ph II/III submission to DCGI for Head and Neck Cancers

RBPL is currently exploring opportunities for financial / strategic partnerships with companies having global reach for the above product.